Are you a fresher?

Are you bit nervous at handling your college life?

Well you don’t have to.

We have compiled a list of top seven soft skills for college students to have a stress free college life.

These skills will help you to keep you efficient, and enjoy your college life.

1. Writing and Typing Skills

Quite frequently, you will need both writing and typing skills to complete your projects and assignment in time. Moreover, there are will be a time, when you will need to speed things up.

At that point in time, you will need writing and typing skills.

You could read writing tips blog, watching videos, practicing writing, and working on grammar to improve your writing.

Meanwhile, to improve your typing skills, you could just download free typing software to learn and hone your skills in it.

2. Using Library

If you haven’t learnt to use Library during your schooling, then you need to learn to now for college. At regular intervals, you will need to use Library for researching and learning.

You will need to be adept at using Library systems. Also, get yourself enrolled in other public and private libraries to enhance the scope of your research.

And regularly make rounds to Library once or twice a week. Reading and exploring in Library will help you a lot as a student.

3. Time Management

Time is the most precious thing you own. Therefore, utilize it intelligently.

Managing time can be quite difficult and at a time stressful. But you will need to do it, for your own good.

There are lot of tools that can help you in planning your day and scheduling such as Google Keep, Google Calendar etc. Or you could use a to-do list log book to manage your time.

Just find the right solution for time management that suits you, and follow it religiously.

4. Art of Writing Notes

Studying in College is lot different than in Schools in India.

You are expected to follow your professor on each word, and simultaneously write effective notes. Moreover, while reading and studying you will need to write lot of notes.

If you’re not good at it, then most probably you will lose the information.

It is easy to improve your note writing skills. You could learn to use Mind Mapping tools, Flow Chart, Herring Bone etc.

5. Know Your College and Stay Updated

It may not look like a ‘Skill’ as such but staying updated with all happenings around your college gives you a greater advantage.

From college fest, startup event, art and culture events, theater societies, to notifications, sports, classroom updates there’s lot happening in your college.

You could just join WhatsApp or Facebook group in each case. Or make friends with from each group to stay updated.

These updates will give you an active life, and you will be always at the right place and right time in your college.

6. Be Quick with Your Decisions

You just have three in your college or so. In this limited time, you need to get the best out of you and the resources available to you.

Therefore, you have to quick with your decisions. From deciding to join theatre group, appearing for placements, special trainings to even helping someone out.

You will get lot of opportunities that may need urgent attention. Hence, make sure you quickly decide to grab that opportunity or pass.

7. Networking

Building a network in college could help you lifelong.

It’s quite easy, you just need to make connect with the right people in college. And somehow manage your relationship with them.

This will give you advantage lifelong. Do you know Harvard’s alumni network is one of the most credible force on earth? They have world’s top CEOs and Founders in it that are handling trillions of dollars.

Networking in college is easy as you have online tools such as Facebook and WhatsApp. But remember, networking without agenda is fruitless.

Now you, what other skills do you believe are important to survive college.

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