India – Pakistan Fellowship in US 2017 – United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

India Pakistan USIP Fellowship in US 2017

USIP announced opening for Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship programme for 2017-18. India-Pak fellowship is a residential one, that offers opportunity to work on conflict resolution.

The objective of the fellowship is to boost growing support for the USIP’s work in India and Pakistan, and US role in contributing to regional stability.

This fellowship is sponsored by the Applied Conflict Transformation Center and the Asia Center at USIP.

It is an excellent opportunity for Indian students to explore and research in United State.

We have compiled all the important information of fellowship below.

Last Date

14th July 2017


Residential Fellowship

Area of Research

to research and develop best suitable template for future engagement between India and Pakistan, and also US


to develop white papers for publication on India-Pakistan conflict resolution


  • Senior or mid-level policymaker, analyst or expert
  • Experience of working on India-Pak bilateral relationship
  • Understand US regional priorities and bureaucratic structure
  • Excellent writing and publication track record
  • Proposal should show good command over the topic
  • Results should show thought leadership


5 months starting from September 2017


US$ 10,000/- per month

How to Apply?

  • Submit proposal letter (3-5 pages) with CV to Lili Cole (director of fellows) at and Colin Cookman (program officer for the Asia Center) at
  • The proposal should contain feasibility study, research methodology, time duration, budget, and other relevant information. Apart from this, proposal should outline challenges and opportunities in dispute resolution and policy between India-Pak. Furthermore, also should elaborate how affiliation with USIP will benefit the candidate.

For more information, please visit this link:

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